Member Guide
The PCC is a group of people who appreciate music and who like to sing.
We usually:
Present 2 concerts per year, Spring and Christmas
Rehearse Thursday evenings 7pm to 9pm
Have 12-14 practices prior to each concert series
We are a "not for profit" 501 c3 corporation (tax exempt) administered by:
An elected volunteer Board of Directors
The Board provides organizational and financial support and contracts a professional music director and pianist who provide music leadership
All members, under the Board direction, are responsible for raising the money to fund:
Contracting professionals
Renting space for our practices and performances
Purchasing music and needed supplies
Hiring other support and individuals as needed
Advertising in the Media and programs
All monies raised go toward the above funds.
We have a fund thru North Valley Community Foundation. If you would like to be a supporter of the chorus see our donation page.
Money is raised by:
Paying dues of $20.00 per individual per concert series
Assisting with fund raisers, i.e. garage and bake sales
Preparing home made bakery goods to sell at performances
Selling tickets and program advertisements
Dates and performance venue and dress rehearsal to be announced
Dress code for performance is: white long-sleeved blouse or shirt (some available), black long skirts or pants, black shoes and stockings
No fragrances or light-reflecting jewelry