Board of Directors
The Paradise Community Chorus, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors elected from the Chorus membership. They are responsible for the conduct of all official Chorus business. The Board is currently comprised of the following:
President: Peg McMahon..................530-519-7046, parade1939@gmail.com
Secretary: Serena Gualotuña.............530-872-3136 , cyranoemail@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Jeff Vander Linden............530-873-4154, debbieboop50@aol.com
Member at Large: Al Salazar.............530-624-0193 , Alsalazar48@gmail.com
Member at Large: Donna Zeuli ........530-570-6692, DonnaZeuli@gmail.com
Member at Large: Joanne Schaefer..530-519-2963, Jschaefer7439@gmail.com
Director: Sam Gronseth.....................530-588-4959, SinginSam@AOL.COM
Ex President: Debbie Duffey.............530-5219207, Debbieboop50@aol.com